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0- Pick me Choose me Love me _ Greys CHL247k thank youPut u through hell just to know me

membru din 13 January 2014

0- Pick me Choose me Love me _ Greys CHL

//Day 01// ; 17.01.2024; Fave male character - Mark Sloan.
//Day 01// ; 17.01.2024
//Day 02// ; 18.01.2024; Fave female character - Cristina Yang.
//Day 02// ; 18.01.2024
//Day 03// ; 19.01.2024; Fave friendship - Meredith & Cristina + Meredith & Alex - cannot decide.
//Day 03// ; 19.01.2024
//Day 04// ; 20.01.2024; Fave couple - Meredith & Derek.
//Day 04// ; 20.01.2024
//Day 05// ; 21.01.2024; Least favorite male chr - George O’Malley (for Callie & for taking advantage of Mer)
//Day 05// ; 21.01.2024
//Day 06// ; 22.01.2024; Least fave female chr - Izzie Stevens. (stiu ca a plecat din serial si de aceea a disparut brusc but my heart hurts for Karev :c)
//Day 06// ; 22.01.2024
//Day 07// ; 23.01.2024; Least fave friendship - George & Izzie.
//Day 07// ; 23.01.2024
//Day 08// ; 24.01.2024; Least fave couple - Callie & Penny.
//Day 08// ; 24.01.2024
//Day 09// ; 25.01.2024; Fave actor - Patrick Dempsey [Derek Shepherd]. /// PEOPLE s 2023 Sexiest Man Alive. ;x
//Day 09// ; 25.01.2024

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